And the words that I could never say, are gonna come out anyway.

at first, paulina and I ate chocolate chip cookies and whipped cream for dinner.

then, about 7am, I wanted to take the legs off my bed, with no success.

very tired we went to the globe the next day and worked our asses off. handing out fliers to spoiled kids and rude parents. we saw high school musical on ice, for free. ive been eating nothing but burger king, mc donalds, cookies, candy, cotton candy, milkshake, popcorn and pizza this weekend, im not feeling well. goodnight.
Postat av: Malin
Sv: ingen orsak, vad kul att se High school musical, var den bra? Kram
Postat av: alida
Postat av: alida
oj, råkade trycka enter. Vet du vad, din blogg är väldigt bra. inspiration på hög nivå! :)
Postat av: Malin
Sv: ja precis :) kram
Postat av: channie
mums det där lät riktigt gott alla de där god bitarna!
Postat av: Stina
en viss flicka är visst olydig när hon cyklar!