Love of my life, my soulmate. Youre my best friend.

(ett tappert försök till ett foto i timmen.)

0800- godmorgon, nyduschad & klar ska jag till passexpeditionen.

0900- var jag på passexpeditionen, glömde kameran hemma.

1000- blev det te & lussekatter till frukost.

1100- en ny kopp te. jag satte mig i fönstret & lyssnade på regnet & musik.

1200- somnade jag.

1400- vaknade jag & tog hundarna på en något längre promenad.

1500- var vi tillbaka, & då blev det lunch!

1600- sen tittade jag på vänner i typ två timmar.

1800- sen var det jättekonstigt gulsrosa ljus ute ( färgen är inte redigerad alls i bilden )

1900- sydde mamma min halloweenkostym!


Color me blue I'm lost in you. Don't know why I'm still waiting.


It's always times like these, when I think of you and I wonder if you ever think of me.

skor sko.en, velour monki, spets gina, pullover rodebjer, kofta weekday, jacka xcept.
[ ] träning
[ ] fixa pass
[ ] käka massa gott
[ ] sova ut ( eller iallafall försöka (se träning))
[ ] luncha med mamma
[ ] vara lite social

bajs på att gör att bilderna ser ut att ha dålig kvalite.

I don´t need no booze to make me warm. No baby, there is only one thing. Yeah honey, all I need is you.

velour monki, jacket xcept, docs.
friday- sushi!

jag är med & tävlar.

Tears stream down your face when you lose something you can't replace.

A is for age;
64 days til' I turn 14!
B is for birthday; 26th of december.
C is for career; not sure.
D is for your dad's name; dale,
E is for essential items to bring to a party; a good mood and a camera!
F is for favourite song at the moment; she will be loved - maroon 5 (its something with it)
G is for favourite game; floridaopoly!
H is for home town; capital.
I is for instruments you play; gituarr this summer,
J is for jam or jelly you like; rasberryjam
K is for kids; oh, I want one!
L is for living arrangements; mom.
M is for mother's name; carita.
N is for name of your crush; i dont belive in love. 
O is for overnight hospital stays; never.
P is for phobias; toilets, people touching my neck, bikes, cars and fire.
Q is for quotes you like; I'll think 'bout that one.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest; 1 month?
S is for sartorial style; none.
T is for time you wake up; 06-07
U is for underwear; cotton.
V is for vegetables you love; cooked carrots, frozen peas, sugar snaps, but I like them all!
W is for weekend plans; prectise, sushi, prectise, town, paulina, fika.
X is for x-rays you've had; dentist and my back.
Y is for yummy food you make; I make it aaaall!
Z is for zodiac sign; capricorn.

for those who care, if someone does. but its really fun, stuff like this.

O no, I see, a spider web and it's me in the middle. So I twist and turn. Here am I in my little bubble.

ny hårfärg & nya skor. vita docs blev det som ni kanske ser.
idag tackar vi gud för koffein & pluggar till gryningen. jag har tre inlämningar till imorgon, som jag skjutit upp något förlänge. jo betygsavgörande var det visst. jag har stressfläckar i ansiktet. fan.

And everything is torn apart. Oh and thats the hardest part.

älskling, hår, eliot!
stannade hemma idag, ska plugga. har fyra inlämningsuppgifter som ska in senast fredag. dricker te & käkar pepparkakshjärtan. det är gott.

You ask me about the future and what i think it'll bring. I freeze up and can't think of a single thing.

kängor timberland, hood hm, mysig halsduk mammas.
även om löven är lite för blöta för att kasta runt idag så gör jag det iallafall. hromdagen satte jag upp mitt hår i en tofs & klippte av det, nu är det typ 7cm kortare. jag ser ut som ett troll.

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh I belive in yesterday.

shirt second hand.

Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile.

höst, bedtime, världens mjukaste tröja - american apparel.
jag vill åka till kina, det är galet häftigt.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Take these broken wings and learn to fly.

velour monki, shirt american apparel, pullover rodebjer, jacket zara, faux hm, boots timberland.
theres always snow outside icerinkes(!). i spent the afternoon with pix, we baked a cake and talked, <3.

There must be an angel with a smile on her face, when she thought up that I should be with you.

And the words that I could never say, are gonna come out anyway.

at first, paulina and I ate chocolate chip cookies and whipped cream for dinner.

then, about 7am, I wanted to take the legs off my bed, with no success.

very tired we went to the globe the next day and worked our asses off. handing out fliers to spoiled kids and rude parents. we saw high school musical on ice, for free. ive been eating nothing but burger king, mc donalds, cookies, candy, cotton candy, milkshake, popcorn and pizza this weekend, im not feeling well. goodnight.

I would have known that it was the last time we met.

hihi, sweetiepie. i read your blog too. 

But I couldn't think of anything. And that was the hardest part.

JAAAA paulina kommer hiit!

And the hardest part. Was letting go not taking part. You really broke my heart.

slänger in en gammal bild i brist på redigerade bilder.
känner mig lite ensam. har lägenheten för migsjälv hela helgen. jag ska jobba, i globen. dela ut fliers på high school musical on ice, ses vi? känner mig lite sjuk, mamma har nog smittat mig. trots allt. ska försöka bli frisk, tävling nästa helg! godnatt.

I can't believe this could be the end. It looks as though you're letting go. And if it's real, well I don't want to know.

I'd like something like this from for xmas, oh.
1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.

Every day is so wonderful. And suddenly, it's hard to breathe.

ligger under täcket & lyssnar på gamla låtar som ligger kvar i itunesbiblioteket av gammal vana. lite mysigt egentligen. mina ben har domnat bort. vi skulle sälja kakor i klubben, men jag vägrade så mamma & pappa köpte alla till mig. jag har 10 burkar hemma, yay.

favortitämne i skolan?
fysik & teknik

har du någon dold talang?

jag kan äta sjuka mängder mat, sjuka mängder.

bästa minnet från i sommmar?

min sommar var fantastisk från början till slut, men alla mitt-i-natten-nakenbad var mysiga.

första kyss?

en söt pojke i ett mörkt sunkigt pojkrum.

hur skulle du beskriva din stil?
mainstream, tyvärr.


longchamp, stellatrosor, ipod classic, motorazr, kosslurar, tiffany, DOCS.

I think I'm a little bit, a little bit, a little bit in love with you. But only'f you're a little bit, a little bit, in lalalalalove with me. Oh.

morning practice at hovet, lunch break, on my way home from evening practice.
boots timberland, tights monki, shirt gina, jacket emmas.

I'm too proud, for love. But with eyes shut. It's you I'm thinking of.

boots timberland, sox shirt american apparel, cardigan weekday.
let's go the milky way.

High up above or down below. When you're too in love to let it go.

skor timberland, shirt 2hand, hood hm. mobilkamera.
jag har löst mitt kameraproblem tillfälligt. jag känner mig lycklig igen. sitter & dricker avsvalnat te & äter kakor i mängder. jag kommer att få sova med smulor i sängen i natt. buhu.

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep. Stuck in reverse.

well, since i cant sleep, lets do something.
[ ] clean my room [ ] more homework [ ] waffle my hair [ ] stretching
ive got alot to do.

When you lose something you can't replace. When you love someone but it goes to waste.

still cant get any pics into the computer, im sorry folks. die fucking camera die.

Every dream inside my soul. When you kiss me on that midnight street. Sweep me off my feet

I will switch between swedish and english. but youre with me anyway, right?

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