you act like you never had love and you want me to go without.
one love, we get to share it. leaves you baby if you dont care for it.

youth is like diamonds in the sun and diamonds are forever.

did I disappoint you? or leave a bad taste in your mouth? you act like you never had love and you want me to go without.

I never really understood why it was me, why it was you.

I have a never ending fantasy...
but right now, everything you want is wrong. and right now, all your dreams are waking up. and right now, I wish that I could follow you to the shores of freedom where no one lives.

Im not in love, so dont forget it. its just a silly phase Im going through.
you know how I feel, this thing cant go wrong. Im so proud to say I love you.
haligh, haligh, an awful lie. this weight would now be satisfied. Im gonna give you only one reply.

it takes a fool to remain sane.
oh my mornings coming back, the whole worlds waking up. oh the city bus is swimming past. Im happy just because; I found out Im really no one.

nothing can bring me down right now. its amazing to feel this good. so amazing.
we are the freaks who walk among you. we are the creeps who lives in vain. we are the freaks who walk among you. we are the creeps in your brain.

and the words we say arent meant for anyone. its just a mumbled sentence to passing acquaintance, but there was once you.

how was I to know that this was always only just a little game to you? all the time I felt you gave your heart I thought that I would do the same for you, tell the truth I think I should have seen it coming from a mile away.

baby Ive been here before, Ive seen this room and Ive walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knoew you. Ive seen your flag on the marble arch, but love is not a victory march its a cold and its a broken hallelujah.

standing in the sunlight laughing, hiding behind a rainbows wall. slipping and sliding all along the water fall. with you my brown eyed girl, you my brown eyed girl.

her morning elegance

haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh. this weight, it must be satisfied. you offer only one reply. you know not what you do.

sources: sabino.tumblr, flickr. (I think)
the last photo is one of my favorite pictures, ever. it just makes me feel sooooo good. (not only cuz its a muffin and a black coffe) its the box, and the colors. I could go on and on.
all I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here in my arms. words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm. enjoy the silence.

Im crippled and slow. for the agony Id rather know, because blinded I am blindsided

now all your love is wasted? then who the hell was I? now Im breaking at the britches and at the end of all your lines.