I knew a girl, she worked in a store. she knew not what her life was for. she barely knew her name. they tried to tell her she would never be as happy as a girl in a magazine. she bought it with her pay.

slowly learning that like is okay. say after me; its no better to be safe than sorry.

are you lost or incomplete? do you feel like a puzzle, you cant find tour missing piece? tell me how do you feel. well I feel like theyre talking in a language I dont speak and theyre talking it to me.

oh brother I cant, I cant get through. Ive been trying hard to reach you because I dont know what to do. oh brother I cant belive its true.

kan inte fatta att jag går ut nian om några dagar. & sådär gick jag runt idag, ifall någon undrade eller så.
you can plan a pretty picnic but you cant predict the weather.

bra musik att dansa en sväng till: sök på 'tralala lilla molntuss, kom hit ska du få en puss' på spotify.
logic doesnt seem to mind that I am fascinated by the love affair. still my heart would benefit from a little tenderness from time to time, but never mind; cause baby Im a fool who thinks its cool to fall in love.

å, alla var så hemskt fina.
Youre simply the best thing I never had.