summer in winter, winter in springtime. you heard the bird say: everything will be fine.
P's land dag 10.
you dont look different, but you have changed. Im looking through you, youre not the same.
gamla bilder jag väntat på en anledning att posta. jag har ont i huvudet.
under a canopy of seven weeks of river walkways. seven weeks of reading papers, seven weeks of feeling guilty, seven weeks of staying up all night.
P's land dag nio, åter igen inget bra de andra dagarna emellan.
-jag älskar mobilbilder, ni ska få se lite sommarbilder från min mobil efter landetbilderna.
-bilderna från landet verkar tråka ut er, vilket gör mig lite ledsen då jag älskar dem.
-det blir inget nytt på ett tag nu, jag har så mycket jag fotat men inte hunnit posta.
-stockholmstipsen lär komma till skolstart, ungefär.
say cheerio to books now! the only things I'll read are faces. I spent the summer wasting.
P's land dag sju.
I spent the summer wasting, the time was passed so pleasantly.
P's land, dag sex. (vi fick liksom inga bra bilder dag fyra och fem.)
a photograph of myself is all I have to show for; seven years of river walkways, seven weeks of staying up all night.
P's land, dag tre. midsommarafton.
I spent the summer wasting. the sky was blue beyond compare.
P's land, dag två.
I spent this summer wasting. the time was passed so easily. but if the summer's wasted, how come that I could feel so free?
P's land, dag ett.
summer in winter, winter in springtime, you heard the birds sing. everything will be fine.
P's land, första kvällen.
so I start a revolution from my bed beacause you said the brains I had went to my head.
long brown hair, and foolish eyes. hed look just like youd want him to; some kind of slick chrome american prince.
the crowd had rushed together, tryin to keep warm. still the rain kept pourin, fallin on my ears; and I wonder, still I wonder wholl stop the rain.
kan ni inte berätta om något ni längtar efter?
I am cured, when Im by your side. Im alright. careful where you stand.
I remember every single thing you said to me, you said new love grows on trees.
tack för alla fina tips. det var mycket om stockholm, så jag ska försöka fixa lite med det. sålänge får ni lite från min resa till Ps landställe.
okej. jag har idetorka. its all drrrryyy. HJÄLP MIG.
vad ska jag fota/blogga om? ge mig konkreta tips.
annars lägger jag ner det här.
what about sunrise? what about rain? what about all the things you said we were to gain?
jag älskar kossor. men å andra sidan, hur kan man inte älska kossor?
annie are you okay? so, annie are you okay? are you okay, annie?
ro ro ro!
theres a place in your heart and I know that it is love. and this place could be much brighter than tomorrow.
Ive been away and now Im back.